Love have never asked, it's always give, love bring grief, but have never born malice, have never revenged. Where there is love there there is life; dislike when lead into annihilated.~ Mahatma of Ghandi
God give us two foot to walk, two hand to hold, two ear to hear and two eye to see. But why God is only bestowing apiece of heart to us? Because God have given apiece of heart again at someone to we to look for it. That'S its name of Love.
There is 2 tear drop emit a stream of a river. One tear drop said to others tear ,” I is tear a girl loving a boy but loss have its. Who are You?”. Answer the second tear drop,” I is tear a penitent boy let a girl loving I elapse only so.
Real love is when him love others, and you still can smile, at the same time say: I partake happy for you.
If we love someone, we are of always pray although not reside in beside us.
Don'T once in a while congratulate to remain if you still open to try. Don'T once in a while surrender if you still feel ready to. Don'T once in a while tell you not love if you still cannot forget.
Feeling of love is started from eye, while feeling to like to be started from ear. So if you want to stop be like to someone, enough with closing ear. But if you Try to close your eyes from one who you love, that love turn into tears and stay on your heart in sufficient time distance.
Love come to one who still has hope although they expectation have been disappointed. To them which still believe, although them have been betrayed. To them which still wish to love, although they have been hurt previously and to them having confidence and bravery to reawaken trust
Don'T keep words love to one who affectionate till pass away , cause finally you per forced to register words love that at its. On the contrary say that on file love words is your marrow now whilst there is.
Maybe God wish we meet and be in love with one who wrong before coming in contact with one who precisely, we have to understand how to compliment of that gift
Love non teaching us weaken, but awakening strength. Love non teaching we scorn, but exhaling gallantry. Love non demoralizing, but heartening
Love can alter bitter become beloved, dirt change over gold, Grey become transparent, ill become to recover, prison become lake, distress become to enjoy, and engagement become blessing.
Really hurt to love someone which not love you, but rather hurt is to love you and someone have never owned bravery to express your love to it.
grievous matter in life is when you meet someone which is very mean for you. Just for finding that in the end becoming not special for you and you have to let go.
You know that you very is longing of someone, when you think of your heart fall to pieces.
And only by hearing word “Hi” , can reunite pieces of your heart
God create 100 part of affection. 99 kept its side and only 1 shares degraded to world. With affection which is one part of that's, creature loving each other so that horse lift its foot cause fear its child tread on.
Sometimes you not esteem one who love you with full-heart, so that you loss. At that moment is, needless of regret because going of without broken again.
Don'T love someone like flower, cause if season change, flower dead. Love like river, cause river always stream forever.
Love can mellow iron, breaking stone, awakening dead and breeze life and also make slave become leader. This is love !
Start of love is to let one who you love to become their self, and not change it become picture which you wish. Otherwise, you is only loving own self bound which you find in their self.
Love is feeling which must is on every human being, he execute dew drop which alight from sky, clean and is holy. Merely difference land which is accept. If down to the land which is dry, growing by dew cause bad, liar, deceiver, step manipulate and others culpable case. But if fall to land which is good, there will grow holy of heart, candidness, devoted of high ethic kindness and others praised conduct.
Love words which born only merely in lip rather than in heart can pulverize entire body and soul, love words which born from the bottom of heart can recover all hurt in heart one who hear.
You have never known when you will fall in love. but if until its moment, reach with your both hands, and don't let him go with million feeling heart question mark
Love is not cheap word and easily said from mouth to mouth but love is God holy and beautiful award if human being can assess its chastity.
Non its name sea if its water not wavy. Non its name love if feeling have never injured. Non its name lover if its heart have never missed and is jealous.
Be in love it is true easy to. To be loved also it is true easy to. But to be loved by one who we love that's which difficult to get.
One way of so that we give affection, is don't claim to be loved, but starting to give affection to others without expecting reciprocation.